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RJ's blog

Because Kate says I have to...

Location: Florida, U.S. Outlying Islands

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Indiana nun to become saint

Could you be next???

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


This kinda goes along with running things by Jesus at work.

On my way home from work, I pass by a Methodist church. In fact, I usually end up sitting at a traffic light across from it. So I was sitting there the other day reading the sign they have out front. Part of the sign was obscured by a tree from my angle, so all I could see were the words "Wide Communion." It was clear that there was another word in front of "Wide", but I couldn't see it at all.

So, I start thinking. (Always scary.) And the only word that at all comes to mind as fitting in that blank is "Open." "Open Wide Communion." Yeah. That sounds just terrific.

It puzzled me enough that I chanced having an accident by peering toward the sign on my right as I made my left turn. What the sign actually said? "World Wide Communion." Well sure, if you wanna be all ecumenical and stuff.

(I think this is a clear signal that I shouldn't drive home from work any more, and the best way to accomplish that, I believe, would be to not GO to work any more.)